Drones can store data directly in the memory or built-in hard drive of the aircraft during flight. This approach can improve the security of data, ensuring that even in the event of network failures or communication interruptions, the data can be fully preserved.
The MRAM non-volatile storage chip is very suitable for the storage of unmanned aerial vehicle flight data. Data recording is the process of continuously and repeatedly storing important data in the device. Firstly, there are events occurring inside and outside the system, usage history, environmental parameters, machine status, and finally other data used for analysis purposes. Due to the need to continuously and repeatedly save data, memory requires fast write speed and high durability.
The Netsol MRAM chip has obvious advantages in drone flight data, unlike SRAM, which does not require voltage controllers, batteries, and battery sockets. Unlike nvSRAM, it does not require capacitors, has fast writing speed, almost infinite durability (100 megabytes of writing times), and provides instant data backup after power outages.
Netsol‘s STT-MRAM has non-volatile characteristics and almost infinite durability. Suitable for code storage, data recording, backup, and working memory in industrial equipment. It can replace Flash, FeRAM, nvSRAM, etc., and has excellent performance and non-volatile characteristics.